Building Beta, a two-storied residential complex located at the heart of the LB I settlement at Akrotiri, Thera, is one of the first buildings that came to light during the 1967–1970 excavations conducted by Spyridon Marinatos. Although partially preserved, mainly in its west part, the building is renowned for the wealth of finds retrieved, among which the wall paintings of the Boxing Boys, the Antelopes, and the Blue Monkeys certainly stand out.
Our study project initially aimed to integrate the publication of all available evidence from the excavation of the partially preserved building and the results of the conservation and the study of the finds. In this context, we carried out excavations at the east sector, which was severely damaged by a passing torrent, an unfortunate circumstance that hindered the reconstruction of the form and function of the Building Beta. The results were beyond our expectations, as the excavation uncovered remains that enable a valid proposal for the reconstruction of the Building Beta’s original architectural form. Combined with the study of fittings, wall paintings, pottery, and other finds, this new evidence promotes understanding of the building phases of the structure and its surrounding area, reframes activity areas, and provides meaningful insights into the functions of a domestic unit at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age.
28 March 2023, (Tuesday), 12:00 P.M. EST (U.S. and Canada); 7:00 P.M. Greek time. Zoom format
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